As I explain in the video above our creation, The Law of Uncle Ben, it is the responsibility of those of us with the experience, education, and success stories in modern communications – especially social media – to help those individuals, businesses, organizations, non-profits, who do not have the same experience, education, and success stories to succeed in modern communications.
To that goal, we announce The Month of Uncle Ben where I, personally, will offer thirty-one communications audits to those who sign up for the program throughout the month of January, 2015. The audit can cover your social media, your website, your email newsletter, your audiences, and your goals. These half-hour conversations will be conducted over the phone or Google hangout and be recorded for your later use and reference.
Did I mention they will be free?
Yep, a free thirty-minute communications audit with myself to help get you on the right path to launching your own success story in 2015.
We’re going to learn from you what is working and not working with your communications and offer constructive criticisms, powerful suggestions, and recommendations of tools – free and low cost – which will make your life easier and your success story easier to attain. We will use our experience to help you, there will not be any upsell of our products and services, and there will be no charge for these audits.
Let’s put the Law of Uncle Ben to work for you and your social media communications in 2015! Claim your thirty minute appointment with the link below.

Be sure to connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, and on our News page to get dozens of helpful updates about social media, marketing, and communications (and some fun stuff too!) which we post every week. Also, check out our daily “Proof of Life” #UncleBen-related posts which we rotate between Instagram and Facebook!